There Are Reasons To Be Thankful


Cancer sucks, and it’s made another appearance in my family.  Dad has been diagnosed with supraglottic throat cancer (it may have moved into his lungs as well), and has already begun 7 weeks of radiation treatment.  One day a week he will also receive a low dose chemotherapy infusion.  Breast, skin and stomach cancers have affected my family in the past, and those battles were won with only the loss of a breast.  We will stay positive, and rally together for another battle.  We may not know how this battle will end, but we know our family and circles of friends are full of love and support for one another.

The photo I shared is the greeting when you arrive at the radiation treatment center in Fairbanks, Alaska.  There is also a beautiful Christmas tree there, but dad pointed at the snowman and said “that’s how I feel about Christmas this year!”  It is a fitting description, I suppose, but I do wish it had a big smile, because even when it feels like everything is turned upside down, there are reasons to be thankful ❤

The Queen of Procrastination

“Yes, I got them.  Thanks so much for your work and getting these to me in a timely manner.  You get the prize as you are the first one to get me an article.  Way to Go!!”

I received this email after submitting an article and photos for our school district insert for the end of the year issue of our local paper.  Last night, I fell asleep in the recliner around 10 pm, and when I woke about 2 am I worried because I had not finished it, so it was my first order of business this morning.

Receiving that email made me realize how much senseless worrying I put myself through, and made me happy, happy to be able to feel on top of things for a change.  I’ve always said that I am a procrastinator, I work better under pressure.  Working better under pressure may be true, and I’m sure a little procrastination will remain, but it’s time to let go of my self-proclaimed title.  Some one else can have it…no longer am I ‘The Queen of Procrastination’